Diary Entry – 16/05/12

May 16, 2012

I think I’m really starting to get into the book now. I sort of feel like Demi is talking to me and telling me everything she’s been through, like I’m a really good friend that she trusts with all her feelings and thoughts. I really want to continue reading and to find out what’s going to happen between Demi and Ethan, because I feel like there’s a connection between them. I enjoyed reading this section of the book because there were many new characters being introduced. Such as Stella, who is one of those characters that you just don’t really like from the moment they enter into the main character’s life, even though she hasn’t done anything wrong, as soon as she enters the story you can feel that she is going to things worse for Demi. I love the way the author has written this book, it’s so deep and there are so many things that everyone can relate to. I’m really looking forward to continue reading!

5 Responses to “Diary Entry – 16/05/12”

  1. kcampigl Says:

    Well Done Simonette!!

  2. Great job, I like how you described Stella!

  3. sfromhol Says:

    Great work Simonette 🙂

  4. sboekel Says:

    thanks sarah 🙂

  5. Fantastic! A beautiful piece of writing, Simonette! Congratulations…

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